#format wiki #language en <> ----- {{attachment:AanMenu/aan.png||align="left",height="120px"}} = Australasian Association of Nematologists = == Australasian Nematology Fund == <
> ----- The Australasian Nematology Fund (ANF) has been established with funds raised in 2008 through hosting the [[Resource5ICN|Fifth International Congress of Nematology]]. ANF's aim is to support travel of nematology students to national and international conferences. The first call for applications was announced in the [[http://nematologists.au/newsletters/ann-jan2010.pdf|January 2010 issue]] for the Australasian Nematology Newsletter. [[http://nematologists.au/aan-anf2010.pdf|Download full details.]] ----- <> ----- CategoryResource